An executive coaching process so effective that it has been chosen by over 150 top CEO’s (many Fortune 500). It helps successful leaders make positive lasting change in leadership behavior as measured not by the leader or the coach, but by the people who work closest to the leader.

Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching

Marshall’s highly successful approach to executive development and coaching includes a strong emphasis on involvement of stakeholders, implementation of change and follow-through to measure growth in leadership effectiveness. In the end the only thing that counts is leadership growth, leadership behavior and effectiveness on the job as perceived by key stakeholders.
As Marshall puts it: “Leadership change and coaching are simple but not easy!” Stakeholder Centered Coaching is a highly effective, structured and time efficient process that works. Top leaders around the world use this process to take their performance to the next level. Marshall has used it with over 150 top CEO’s and their management teams to address change in the workplace. All world class athletes utilize coaches to accelerate their performance. Why wouldn’t organizational leaders want to do the same?

Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching